Sep 10, 2008


This is my first time back here in quite some time. Somebody might have noticed the absence of blogs, words, appreciations here. Somebody. Maybe it was me. Yes. It was. As many of you may have heard, I was diagnosed with a pituitary brain tumor in mid July. All is well and I am recovering day by day, more and more, bigger and better. The absence has been due to the recovery and recuperation of my small and cute health issue.

I have learned a lot over the past couple of months while healing, feeling and dealing with what's come up for me during that time. Much of it has to do with appreciation. It seems even more appropo that I have chosen to create a group that is founded in appreciation. So perfect!

I am getting back in the game of life play and part of that looks like re-creating and re-scheduling weekly Appreciation Circles. Tentatively, they will resume the first Thursday in October. I will be sure to update exact time and place when we (me and Nick exctied to play with Nick!) get all of the logistics settled. We are currently wondering about an indoor space to hold the Circle. If anyone has ideas, please send them my way via or

Thanks and more thanks.