Nov 24, 2008

Another Medical Miracle

Have you ever wondered how the heck you would ever be able to get out of debt? I have.

Recently, as many of you know, I had a brain tumor removed. I was without health insurance or much money to speak of. I was committed, and still am, to keeping the energy and attitude of appreciation and play during my surgery and recovery. This past weekend I received notice that I was denied Medicaid. This meant that I would not have any financial assistance to pay the large and somewhat laughable dollar amount for my medical bills. I had my moments of fear and sadness and anger and allowed myself the quick pleasure of playing the victim for a few minutes. As I did a quick exaggeration of my sadness, and a short little fear dance, the energy of being a victim began to move out of my body and what came next was an openness to experience something different. I chose to shift into a place of wonder and appreciation. I asked, "Hmmmm, I wonder how I can create that dollar amount to honor my medical debt and be integrous." I also reminded myself that if I was brilliant enough to attract the $35,000 debt, I am surely brilliant enough to manifest a way to cover that amount. It is, after all, just a number, energy, an exchange of service. And then I let go of my trying to solve the problem and breathed and went to a movie.

Today I took action to see if I couldn't find a way to get some assistance. I talked to my Medicaid caseworker and there wasn't any help there. I didn't panic and I didn't stand as a victim. "This was a temporary situation," I reminded myself. "I have a choice in this. This is totally doable." I had the power to have whatever perception I wanted surrounding this even though I didn't know how I would generate the money/energy. After I hung up from my caseworker, I went to the hospital's financial business offices. I had a brief conversation with one of the employees and after only 5 minutes she discovered that all but one of my bills had been written off by the hospital. Meaning, that there was only the one bill left for me to pay! And it seems that one bill will probably be covered too. It was for over $18,000 and because of the size of it, required some attention from the managerial end of the department to make any decision....which would take a bit longer.

On my way out to my truck I couldn't help but laugh a little. This option was always available. When I was ready to perceive it, see it, receive it, it became my reality. This is true for us always. Whatever we are perceiving is our reality. If I didn't see any possibility, there wouldn't have been one. Make sense?

I tell you this story to illustrate that the universe is conspiring with us at all times whether we are conscious of it or not. The universe is always giving us what we put out. If I had stayed in the victim position and had not seen any possibility, that's what I would have co-created with the universe. Because I was willing and recognized there was a different option, I chose to co-create consciously with the universe.

How can you authentically shift your perception from your present situation? What does it mean to you to shift your perception authentically?

Juicy questions. I'm anxious to hear from you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 4, 2008

Play & Openness

Have you been feeling panicked, stressed, constricted when you think about money or time? I have. I have a tendency to get ahead of myself. To jump out into 3 weeks from now and try to figure out how I'll ever have enough money, or how I'll possibly get everything done. I twist myself up by moving fast to try to "catch up" to everything I have on my long list of To Do's. It's a crazy worry place that I can find myself in when I go unconscious and get out of being present.

Last week I was feeling so tight in my chest and when I would check into my breathing, I noticed that I would be sustaining myself with these shallow little puffs of air that not only kept me in a state of survival but also kept me moving fast. When I finally realized that I was creating a lot of havoc and that I was the only one who could change it, I took a few deep breaths and scheduled a play date right away. Yes, a play date! I have learned that for me, PLAY is a reliable and fun way for me to get out of drama and stress and to get my body and mind into open space. When I play, I breathe more easefully and deeper, I laugh more and move my body more. I'm actually so grounded in my body that my mind quiets and I'm able to enjoy what's happening in any given play moment. And then I get to slow down and time seems to expand.

I think as grown ups we can tend to get caught up in "grown up" life which has to look a certain way -- much of the time stressful. But ask yourself, "Am I having fun?" Are you breathing and expanding into a natural state of openness and expansiveness? If not, maybe you've created a perfect opportunity to consider a few minutes of play -- whatever that looks like to you. Perhaps the place to start is just to wonder how you might play more as a grown up and increase your fun time.

I have given myself permission to explore my creativity through shameless, childlike play and it is a reliable way for me to get back into a joyful and loving space of giving, receiving and cycling love in all its forms....and that includes money.

This week at The Appreciation Circle we will be playing more with learning how we can move our bodies and minds into authentic appreciation.

See you on Thursday @ 7:30pm! Have a great week!