I hope you'll join us on Thursdays at 7:30pm to bring your own special blend of life to The Circle. Our intention is to create a safe, generous and loving space where you can come to get support, coaching, and feedback, along with a few yummy treats. We want you to take advantage of the opportunity to be part of something grounded in community love and togetherness starting Thursday, June 12th.
This Thursday we will be introducing our vision of The Circle and begin the journey of shining love, joy and abundance into the world by beginning to build a community of big love, big fun, and big appreciation.
Come learn how we'll be doing this and be a part of something that is on the cutting edge of The Age of Aquarius and other not-so-new-agey things – like basic human interaction and authentic connection. (Ok maybe they can be "new-agey" too but I like to think of what we'll be doing in terms of having some damn fun and not drowning in the seriousness of what we're "trying" to do....and doing it by each of us being our own wonderful selves.)
And here's an invitation for you to consider: Keep in mind that this is mostly for YOU. And that by creating this for you, you can't help but create a more open, loving and generative experience on the planet – what we call in the business A Ripple Effect! So come create your ripple! One appreciation at a time!
See you Thursday!
Mary/ Nick, I'm still in Santa Fe. Won't be there this Thursday. I will participate from the road. Ripple effect you say? Love it....reminds me of a song I love!
Wow. I feel super excited! I will be sending my own vibes of love, fun, and appreciation your way. I can't wait to see/hear/experience how this unfolds. Love!
I am loving you. I am loving this dream. I am LOVING that I get to participate! I am loving that we are friends! I AM LOVING!
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