Jun 17, 2008

This Week!

Every quarter of the year we nominate someone in our community to receive our quarterly monetary appreciation. This is the week that we will be doing that so make sure you come with ideas about who you'd like to nominate. Nominees are people we want to specifically acknowledge with appreciation. They are not necessarily someone "in need" of money, although that can be a piece of it. The idea is to spin the appreciation and the generation of money in the energy of love, connection and appreciation.

We'll start the Circle by introducing everyone, sharing our thoughts and opening up the Circle for individuals to share any thoughts, experiences or questions they might have. This would be the time to get support, feedback and/or coaching if you're looking for it.

Next we'll open it up for nominations. The following week (next week) we will vote on which nominee we will choose to appreciate financially, verbally and spiritually.

The final piece of the Circle will be speaking appreciations and putting them into the Circle with our words and intentions.

We look forward to connecting in this energy of love, appreciation and fun with you!

See you this Thursday!


Angie K. Millgate said...

Can't wait! 21 minutes and counting!!!

Mary Tebbs said...

Thank you so much for coming! I just want you to know what a profound impact I thought you had on my experience in the circle. Yay!

Angie K. Millgate said...

WOW! I feel humbled. It was an amazing experience, Mare. Thank you for following your vision.