Jul 21, 2008

24th Celebration, Start with Appreciation.

This weekend marks the celebration of Utah's independence, on July 24th.

But what about your independence?

Have you ever asked yourself, "what will it take for me to feel more free and alive?" or "what will it take for me to really get enjoying the life I've always dreamed of?"

Great questions to be asking and there are many versions of it, but it really comes down to this: Are you willing to live your life in a state of joy and appreciation? Are you willing to make a conscious commitment to being alive and celebrating your life in a state of appreciation? If so, good for you. If not, what's stopping you? What do you have to lose?

For more about the power of appreciation and it's everyday bonus surprises, join us this week for another gathering of The Appreciation Circle and the return of Mary Tebbs! Life is Good!

Jul 8, 2008

Painful Appreciation?

What the....??? I've been in resistance today about shifting my pain fascination. When I use the word fascination it's to say that my unconscious is totally mezmerized by pain. How do I know this? Because I experience physical pain everyday to varying degrees. I'm scared to out that, I feel like a big baby saying that, and I have the judgement that I'm not much of a Love Coach if I can't even move through my own pattern of pain.

So all of those are really cute stories and they keep me stuck in my pain. So I'm outing myself as a victim to my pain. I feel angry and scared and sad about it. It's up for me right now in a big way. I've been creating some complications with my eyes, that express themselves in vision loss, aching eyeballs (weird right?), and headaches. And I say that I've created them because no one else has done that but me. Yay! Look what a powerful creator I am. Anywhoooo....I'd like to clean this up in my life. So the first step for me is to acknowledge that it's there. And now I'd like to appreciate my body, specifically my eyes, for communicating so loudly to me that they'd like some specific attention. I'm not sure what the attention is yet, but I am listening more closely. Next I take responsibility. I have been committed to the fascination of pain. And now I make a new commitment.... I commit to listening to my body with more gentle acknowledgment and appreciation and I commit to learning how to reorganize my body so that it/I can feel good.

Are you experiencing any discomfort in your body? Do you have any negative judgements about your body? What can you appreciate about it right now? What can you genuinely love about your body right now.

I appreciate all of the magical and beautiful things that I have been able to SEE in my life. I appreciate that my eyes are so open to experiencing life to the fullest. My eyes have been beddy, beddy good to me.

Hope to see you Thursday night at The Appreciation Circle!

Jul 7, 2008

Appreciation is the Doorway to Freedom

Have you ever wanted a different experience than the one you're having? Me too. I assume it is safe enough to say we all have desired for our lives to be different or "better" at some point.

But today, let's shift focus.

Imagine life as this big video game, you've decided to play. You're the character and the creator. Rather than bitching and complaining about the way your life is today, how about you take a breath and appreciate the fact that you're here, period. You're alive, right now, so despite all the many little details taking place around you, how about you forget the bullshit, even for a minute, and be willing to appreciate, you're here, having an experience.

I know this might be challenging, it has been for me, but at the end of any feeling or dark place is the dawn of a new day. Let light shine into your closest today, starting with appreciation for what is, who you are and where you're at.

Pop Quiz: What's the smallest, easiest thing you can appreciate in this moment? Begin here and let your appreciation lead you to the next step. Today, lead with love and a big gulp of appreciation.

Jul 1, 2008

Feelings....Nothing More Than

Have you ever been pissed that you were pissed? I have. And actually this week I had the very experience....hence the topic for this week's blog. 

I felt angry at a friend and found myself being angry at myself for being angry; thus creating lots and lots of room to feel, ummm, angry. But I didn't want to feel it you see. I just didn't want to be bothered with anger. What a pain! Here's a little nugget of a poem to explain: I call it Stupid Anger. By Mary Tebbs.

Like it or not
No matter how hard I've fought
'Don't get mad!' has been my thought
Know what I've still got
Stupid anger

Then it came to me
Just give in a breathe
And what rose up in me
Was a delicious SCREAM
And then I felt better
The end

Yup. That's right...ANGER! It can be as fun or as playful or as scary as we make it. I was making it scary because part of me has been attached to the idea that anger equals violence when in reality they are nothing alike. Fear breeds violence not anger. What I learned was that all the fighting I was doing to not have my anger only got me more of it. And as soon as I decided it was ok to feel it, to actually have fun with it and appreciate it, then I was able to move through it. And what was on the other side of the anger is what is usually on the other side of feeling my sadness or fear or anger....lovely, delicious, exhilirating open space. The kind of space where more love and fun resides. The kind of space where I feel more inspired and more enlivened. 

So I spoke my feelings to my friend and he was brilliantly and beautifully open to hearing and allowing me to have it. So thanks friend! And thanks me for becoming more friendly with my anger and creating an experience to learn more about myself and how I choose to play in the world. 

Have you had an opportunity to be pissed off this week? If so, how can you have some easeful, playful fun with it? Is there an angry poem in you too? If so, I'd love to hear it. Or maybe you'll dance an angry dance? I'd love to hear any of your experiences with anger and what you did with it.

This week at the Circle we will play with anger and appreciation and the provocative dance that they can create together.

See you in the garden!