Jun 24, 2008

Leading With Gratitude

I've had opportunities this week to talk with friends who have the wonderful and supersonic learnings that come from being in relationship. I judge them to be brave and committed to their own personal increases in spiritual and emotional growth. I think that romantic partnerships up the ante a great deal when it comes to going faster, deeper, bigger in ones own path to "righteousness." And I put that word in quotes because it has a very fun and powerful energy to it for me. Rock music is "righteous." A good joke is "righteous." Seeing someone take a safe and unsuspected fall is "righteous." And also, finding a way to express from essence (the very spiritual and enlightened part of us that is unconditional love) is "righteous." Ah, but I digress.

I have a couple of very close friends who have challenged themselves this week with big learnings about themselves through the vehicle of romantic partnership. As they've called on me for love and support, I keep coming back to the energizing, exciting and very simple practice of appreciation. "Speak your truth with love. Lead with appreciation." I found myself coming back to this again and again. This is a very simple practice and "come from" when relating with someone and at the same time can be as easily forgotten as remembering the first word we spoke. When we're in the heated dance of negotiating relationship with love while in conflict it can seem insurmountable to lead with appreciation. And just like our first spoken word, the practice can be remembered because our essence knows how to do this. Always has and always will. You wouldn't know what your first word was unless you had someone, probably one of your parents, remind you. And after a reminder or two you probably didn't need them to remind you anymore. And so it's the same with leading with appreciation. I am offering a reminder here to remember that essence wants to love, essence wants first and foremost to lead with gratitude. Gentle, authentic gratitude. In my personal experience, appreciation is the quickest and smoothest transition from pointing my finger at someone to getting curious and shifting into loving accountability. Appreciation is the quickest and smoothest way to the biggest, brightest and most powerful energy of all....love. 

This week at The Appreciation Circle we will be playing with leading with appreciation so if you'd like to play with this concept and be reminded of it and have an experience of it, a body-centered learning, come join us this Thursday night.

Thanks for being!

Jun 17, 2008

This Week!

Every quarter of the year we nominate someone in our community to receive our quarterly monetary appreciation. This is the week that we will be doing that so make sure you come with ideas about who you'd like to nominate. Nominees are people we want to specifically acknowledge with appreciation. They are not necessarily someone "in need" of money, although that can be a piece of it. The idea is to spin the appreciation and the generation of money in the energy of love, connection and appreciation.

We'll start the Circle by introducing everyone, sharing our thoughts and opening up the Circle for individuals to share any thoughts, experiences or questions they might have. This would be the time to get support, feedback and/or coaching if you're looking for it.

Next we'll open it up for nominations. The following week (next week) we will vote on which nominee we will choose to appreciate financially, verbally and spiritually.

The final piece of the Circle will be speaking appreciations and putting them into the Circle with our words and intentions.

We look forward to connecting in this energy of love, appreciation and fun with you!

See you this Thursday!

Jun 10, 2008

Ta Da! And Now Introducing....

The actualization of a dream! I, Mary Tebbs, have joined forces with Sir Nick James to bring to life The Appreciation Circle. We're excited to be pioneering a new wave of generating love and abundance on the planet – and happy that we get to start right here in Salt Lake City.

I hope you'll join us on Thursdays at 7:30pm to bring your own special blend of life to The Circle. Our intention is to create a safe, generous and loving space where you can come to get support, coaching, and feedback, along with a few yummy treats. We want you to take advantage of the opportunity to be part of something grounded in community love and togetherness starting Thursday, June 12th.

This Thursday we will be introducing our vision of The Circle and begin the journey of shining love, joy and abundance into the world by beginning to build a community of big love, big fun, and big appreciation.

Come learn how we'll be doing this and be a part of something that is on the cutting edge of The Age of Aquarius and other not-so-new-agey things – like basic human interaction and authentic connection. (Ok maybe they can be "new-agey" too but I like to think of what we'll be doing in terms of having some damn fun and not drowning in the seriousness of what we're "trying" to do....and doing it by each of us being our own wonderful selves.) 

And here's an invitation for you to consider: Keep in mind that this is mostly for YOU. And that by creating this for you, you can't help but create a more open, loving and generative experience on the planet – what we call in the business A Ripple Effect! So come create your ripple! One appreciation at a time!

See you Thursday!