May 21, 2008

I Like Money

Today I'm choosing to appreciate my ability to create, generate and manifest money. I've been noticing that I get what I want. I like that awareness and I have a story that the more I start really owning that quality, the more I will get what I want. 

So I appreciate that I'm on the journey of shifting my money paradigm...and that I'm upping the ante more and more.

I really do like money. A lot.


Angie K. Millgate said...

I like YOU! I am appreciating your dream and watching your vision come to be a reality. I feel inspired by you and am grateful I am able to call you friend. I am grateful to be walking amongst greatness - myself included!

Angie K. Millgate said...

ps... may I add you to my blog roll?

Mary Tebbs said...

Love the greatness piece. Thank you, thank you. And yes....add The Circle (as we call it in the business) to your blog roll. And when I finally create time to get to know this site better, I will add your link as well.

~Karen Michelle Bayard~ said...

Beautifu Blog. Love that you are moving ahead with your dream Mary!